
Alex Mandossian on Strategic Alliance

Wednesday, July 29th

Today is a packed day at Virtual Abundance Expo with another set oFont sizef amazing speakers.

Alex Mandossian is going to talk about The Abunadance of Strategic Alliances at 6:00 PM EST

Ivan Misner is going to talk at 8 PM EST

Lisa Nichols is going to talk at 8:30 PM ESTFont size

Hop on board for a great ride -

Something for Everyone -

Tuesday, July 28th

Ok, Guys -

Here is the schedule of today's Virtual Abundance Expo.

As I mentioned last night, it was a killer teleseminar, and today will be just as good.

There are four speakers today:

1. 12:00 PM EST - Vishen Lakhiani - The Abundance Mindset in Team Building

2. 3:00 PM EST - MaryEllen Tribby - Multi-Channel Marketing and How You Can Make Millions For Your Business: The Abundance Secrets To A Wealthy Life

3. 6;00 PM EST - Marci Shimoff with David and Kristen Morelli - The Abundance of Happiness

4. 9:00 PM EST - Bob Proctor - Abundant Thinking: The Habit Patterns in Prosperity

Any one of these is more than worth the opt-in and $1.00 that it takes to get access to their material.

I know there were some life-changing statements that I learned last night, and I can't wait to see what these speakers have up their sleeves today.

So go ahead and check it out if you like - Even just focusing on the concept of abundance will make you feel way better than you think. :)

See you there,


Here's the link for immediate access:

Recap of Tonight's Events

Monday, July 27th

Well, it was a tremendous Teleseminar - or shall we say, a "Virtual Abundance Expo".

Alex Mandossian and Scott Martineau started off the session giving the overview of the next 4 days and who will be speaking on this historic event.

(I love Alex when he hosts these teleseminars. He's so at home and comfortable with them, and you really feel like you're right in his living room ...)

Anyway, it's true - 12 of the top world thought leaders, gathered all in one place (on your computer, actually ...) giving you all their insights into the wide world of abundance and how you can make that word come alive in your life.

Tonight's speakers kick-started it really well, with Jack Canfield taking the lead.

He always does great, and tonight he was particularly talking about visualizing your goals and making them concrete to achieve them faster.

Sir Richard Branson then took the floor giving the very amusing look inside the beginnings of Virgin Airlines and how that came to be what it is today, teaching us some very key insights along the way.

If the next few days are going to be anything like tonight, then the $1.00 I paid for access to this incredible teleseminar series was more than worth it ;)

It's not too late to hop on board if you want - just go here:

What Is Richard Branson Doing Tonight?

Monday, July 27th

For those of you who want to hang out with the best ...

Check out what Richard Branson is doing tonight ...

The Great Abundance World Wide Survey

What is your idea of abundance?

See what master internet marketer Alex Mandossian has to say ...

Leave Your Comments Below and Let Us Know What YOUR Definition of Abundance Is!